torsdag 18. april 2013

Scetching for assignment 4

I have been doing some thinking about what object to use on this assignment. I am going to show shape, form, texture and color with various lightning techniques. After some thinking I have decided NOT to do it the easy way. I am going to use a human scull as a model.......
But sculls are not laying around in Norway. I guess that is a good thing, just not right now.
I will have to be creative:-)
For now scetches will have to do......

To be inspirited on the lightning I have read Light-Science and magic. By Fil Hunter, Steven Biver and Paul Fuqua.
It i a fantastic book I very much can recommend. It describes step by step how you light just about anything!

2 kommentarer:

  1. I'm thinking of shooting my own skull! Look:

    The whole episode is worth watching, but check especially at 08:10:
